This page's intended audience is the Teacher.
The Canvas Grade sync to PowerSchool allows graded Canvas gradebook assignments to update PowerTeacher with the push of a button. This will require some setup for each teacher. If you use this feature, you need to make any grade corrections in the Canvas gradebook, as these will overwrite the PowerSchool gradebook frequently, even the grades you've already graded and think might not sync.
*| New in 2023 |* Create the groups in your Canvas assignments first, then sync each of them into the appropriate group in PowerTeacher by using the triple dots icon on the Assignments page and "Sync SIS Categories" will guide you through each match.
*| New in 2022 |*
Before you are able to sync your assignment categories, you need to view them in PowerTeacher at least once (in each course), to "enable" them. Then allow a nightly sync for Canvas to see them. The next day, you can import the categories on that course.
Setting Up PowerTeacher Pro Sync in Canvas as a Teacher
And some of our own notes about this video.
- At the 4:18 minute mark assignment, categories will sync within 10 minutes now sometimes as fast as 1 minute. It does not have to wait for the nightly sync anymore.
- 6:00 mark assignment names over 30 characters will NOT sync at all. It won't allow teachers to enable syncing, they will get an error message when they try.
- 7:02 mark the option name has changed from sync to settings. Just in case some teachers get confused with the name change.
Still not working, watch the video again, still not working, here are some more things to look at.
Check the
Grade Sync page, click on the Status link for info about failing records. Assignment group, length, and duplicate warnings can be helpful.
Check your Assignments to make sure all the ones you want to sync are in Assignment Groups that are syncing with PowerSchool (icon after the group name). Verify the assignments are not excluded from syncing individually with the toggle to the right of each assignment. If groups are not synced that you think should be, look for multiple groups with the same name, or Try "Import Assignment Groups" under the triple vertical dots.
If it seems like some things sync, but others right next to them fail, or the error logs don't seem like they can be talking about the current sync, try forcing a FULL sync of your course grades. This is done on the Grade Sync page, Settings tab, "Remaster Grade Passback" button. This will take several minutes to run, check back on the Grade Sync page, History tab, after a while. If you're missing the Grade Sync page, use the Settings | Notification tab to add it to to your course.
If all this fails, please send an email to jbolanos@risd... with the Canvas link of an example failing assignment, ex: , or an assignment name and course name and section.